Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Updates Coming!!!

I have way behind on updates and I do apologize. I’m not going to even go into details (excuses); I’m just going to pick up where I left off.

We have spent minimal time at the cabin working this winter as we winterized the cabin and at times it was totally inaccessible. The elevation on our cabin deck is 4412’; it’s a different climate there for sure! Spring has rolled around and now we are back working on it as much as we are able to; the cabin is a 2 hour drive from our home. We have been rolling along again with the remodel.

Spring has come to the mountain! 


The wild azaleas were in full bloom; their dark pink blooms brightening up the mountain and their lovely scent filling the air. It was a beautiful site. The Husband even picked me a handful for the cabin. Vase? No, but they were beautiful in a drink bottle on the counter. Thanks Hon! 

The leaves are all popping out and the mountain is coming to life. 

Look carefully in these photos and you’ll see the illusive Mrs. Grouse. 


It was a glorious couple days on the mountain; complete with a beautiful rainbow! 

I am so looking forward to long lazy days enjoying the mountain, BUT need to finish this remodel!

Ok, let’s get rolling with the updates!



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